That totally happened, it was Wednesday itself that caused the complete surprise.
You see, I've been dying to go to the Headwaters Science Center ever since the moment I knew it existed. And my dream was about to come true that afternoon, after a leisurely-spent morning, not a child interrupting my bliss (not even Madison!)
So we walk into the science center, all ready to pay the $55 family fee, all set to interact with exhibits galore, all cool with the lure of educational-toys-I-can't-afford on the way out. And they have closed for the Fish Fry.
The Fish Fry?
A yearly event, another community-wide gathering! Eleventh in a row, one local was caught saying (she appears to be owner of the Nice Cafe downtown, wait'll my husband tastes that cole slaw... bacon and sunflower seeds?!!)
Is it not enough to have strawberry-picking last April, pumpkin-patching in the fall, wintry-bliss the season after, and now a Fish Fry in the spring? What the heck will we do all summer!
Guess we'll simply go to the science center next time, husband by our side (secretly, I'm glad). But first, we had to honor the spirit of the snake:
which reminds me, of a story I'm meant to tell you, but it's not until someday...
Until then, could you please show me the owner of these courageous kids:
P.S. Do not tell Barton Lidice Benes about this, 'cause he'd tell his friends, and they'd tell their friends...