I have many years of experience leaving comments on people's sites. I've no discrimination, be it a mommyblog, or
Motherlode, c'mon don't deny it...it's nice having our voices heard.
Whether I'm picking on
Earl Pomerantz for being Jewish
he gets a chuckle too),
or trying to keep
my band of girls tight, and part of the Momvo,
...it's an art, despite what others tell you, standing out from your fellow herd.
Secret number one, aim for "first comment", but how...? Why, allow updates to rise to the top on your sidebar. And don't waste its prime position with web
faux pas numero uno...but if you simply can't help it, throw in a curse word for good measure.
Secret dos, comment in Spanish, with a link to an online diccionario. Lest the rest of the online world dominators forget that intelligent people also speak Spanish.
Y tres, leave a link to your blog. Yes, I know it's obnoxious. But from now on I'm gonna scan through those blogs with 350 comments, and I'm only gonna click on the ones who brag up their blogs, like it's normal.
Cuatro, make friends. Yes, all you ladies to my right, you know who you are...amigas forever, I'm just that kind of girl. Make it easy on all of us, those who've yet to find their order (as in the Sisterhood of the Momversacion)... come join ours.
We accept all ranks, lifestyles, and reformers.
That said, thank you from the very bottom of my heart, Lisa Belkin. Your wonderful writing's sent nearly a thousand odd people to my doorstep. Some may stay friends!
And all I had to do was write a simple comment. Now, who's first?
---------------------What topic would you like to see Lisa Belkin cover in the highly-visible NY Times Motherlode blog.Or, if you like bonding with others, come on over to the
Momversation, you're guaranteed to fit in.