I realized today when I was at TJ Maxx, as I glanced around at the capris and perfectly matched blouses, that not only am I frumpy, I make frumpy look cool. Seriously, it's possible. You see, over-sized Ralph Lauren polos with Levis is frumpy enough to BE frumpy, paired with the I have better things to do with my time than spend hours deciding.
Yes, there was TONS of deciding going on that pretty much bored me to tears. I couldn't cry though, because I was too busy marveling at the energy that goes into choosing "make me feel better about myself" outfits, accompanied by the "look what
she's wearing" sideglances that make all that effort possible. Spare me the drama!
Then, after being treated like a princess all day, because somebody absolutely loves me, we went to the park to pick up the kids. There too, I made frumpy look cool, actually I wasn't working the frumpy so much as, "cool and confident mom with no need for validation". I have many angles, some have yet to be invented.
Eventually, as the summer wears on, I'll stop strutting my strut and return to plain normal. But just for today, as I thank God that my brood is expanding (yes, that's
exactly what I'm meaning)... securely tied down for the next, oh, two-and-a-half years.
Making fun of shopping will be replaced by "why doesn't anything fit me", but I'll still find plenty to be appalled at, like hopelessly insignificant dependencies on Korean pedicures.