Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Quiz Day

Free-schoolin' , out-of-the-box thinker Dayna encourages her sparkly children to build inventive games out of history lessons. Good-timing Martins, I seem to be on the same wavelength as you guys are.

We started by counting out all our Obama buttons (totally retro) don'tcha think:

And yes, being that the majority of my friends are Republicans, I have tons of extras.

Then, we decided to look at some options (for Unit Study). Trina helped us out with the electoral college, totally printed these up, and threw in this for good measure. Of course, we'll be repeatin' the lesson in four years. I'm failin' 'em all.

So, while they were studying and coloring this.
I grabbed my notebook, and came up with this.


Anonymous said...

I love how you think of creative and very educational ways to spend time with your kids. How do you have all that energy?

GuppyArt2 said...

You said it precisely, Maria. It's called blogging the highlights, and you get the more inspired views!