I simply want to do more of what I know to be important, only I'll do it better and with less inhibition.
Take cooking for example, and the imaginary resistance that stands in its way.
Buying the ingredients, assembling them intuitively. Most important, showing kids that dedication to nourishment, and happily made memories does come naturally.
A rustic life always has rough edges, in a household my size you can't expect perfection. And perhaps that is what I'll take the most pride in this New Year.
My loving husband by my side, our friendship strong, our inner-knowing. We are going to make 2009 our healthiest year ever.
What's that? Pepperoni and chocolate-drizzled cream puffs aren't considered healthy?
Who in the world told you that? Well, you can listen to whoever you want. Our lives are our own to live, however imperfectly.
And that, I resolve, is what matters. Be blessed.