You know, a slice of homeschooling life prettily-decorated, favorite resources at your fingertips, endless time spent on-line tweaking this and fiddling with that.
Doesn't mean I can't still enter amazing contests!
Take Anne, culinarily-endowed mother to seven, happened upon her site by complete serendipitous accident! On a whim, decided to enter her contest (just left a simple comment) and like the luck of some ordinary draw I WON, my second dangblasted contest!!!
Remember my first?

So, thank you Internet for existing, although my contributions are becoming more sparse and thin. And forever be blessed, awesome tech-savvy moms who take time out of busy lives to create joy within.
I think you have a beautiful blog -- I love the photos! Very impressive. I found you through momversation. Keep up the good work!
(Thank you!)
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