It's fun to receive awards from your friends all day. But it's almost as fun to give those awards back,...to people you've stumbled upon, dugg up, seesmic-ized (you know, like talked to on video), or just stolen off the Forbes list.
Like I'd ever read that gay, rich people's magazine (unless it was online), but thanks to Momversation, I tuned in...Dooce and her trusty celebrity.
Oh, I'm not leaving out MinDaphBecDayGiyNatAliAshMagg...the rest of you, your times will come to be as famous as she is. I think.
But back to the Webby Awards, which I didn't invent, though I do believe I'm starting them early this year. My first pick deserves a little criticism first, you're welcome.
I landed on it yesterday afternoon, was impressed by its sweetness, and left a little comment on an article to compliment their Forbes (and Momversation) mention. Said I could learn alot there, and I meant it.
Today I scoot back, gathering up links for this post, and so many articles have been posted since then, I practically have to go back two pages.
(happy dance over) CRUNCH BOARD (internetty jobs)
Have to move to California though, who'd risk skin cancer for that.
Anyway, can't find the particular article that drew my interest, so here's a stand-in (my love for social media). Too bad for me, love the site and can still learn alot there, but I'd have to be on the FAST TRACK to make that site useful.
I'm more of the farming variety, simply lovin' good weather. And good advertisements that knock good ideas into me, like throwin' a Superbowl party for my husband and kids
(we're not even fans of football!) If I'm not too busy yelling at Yahoo! for making it IMPOSSIBLE to link to that wildly likeable 3-D TurboTax ad.
Oh well, click on "REPLAY AD" for maximum brain clash exposure, and then do bother to "Click here for >> full experience", so innovative, simply blows yer mind away.
Oh yeah, I'm still loving Poladroid, and always click-whur will!
I LOVE Poladroid.
That noise it makes! Love it! :)
There is just something about the instant gratification of being able to have the picture right on your hand seconds after taking it.
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