Well, isn't that charming! I arrived home from a perfectly indulgent weekend, only to find my first blog award in the comments.

At the very same time, Mindy drops by, and slings me her first official *comment. Color me honored.
Now, Mindy's my favorite blog designer ever. Generous soul that she is, she offered to make my blog over for free, which I declined. Must be my unpretentious genes, I like the simple restrictions of blogspot. Besides, with a bigger and better blog comes bigger and better responsibilities, at least I'd assume.

Take "So Not Domestic", she's giving away A Blog Makeover, which I'd refuse (but entered anyway!)
And then take these five fellow bloggers, who I'm dutifully nominating for their own friendship awards:

I now return to my previous New Year celebratin', fruit salad concoctin', Nespresso slurpin' business.
Thanks so much for the nomination. I appreciate it wholeheartedly.
you're swell. thanks friend ~
It's not just a nomination, ladies. It's 5 shots at exclusive friendships. You know, like in real life...
Yum coffee, Oh sorry that's all I saw ... LOL
You're welcome, hope you win so cool stuff :).
Hey, thanks! I'm really honored :-) I've been meaning to get over here and officially tell you thanks for your comments you've contributed to my blog. I appreciate them very much! Look forward to getting more acquainted. Thanks again!
THanks a lot for the nomination, being new to blogging I really did not know what a tight community there was online.
Thanks again I'm very honored
Congrats on your awards! I'm going to check out Mindy's site!
Did my comment even take? Do I need to stop dropping shots of Nyquill into my wine?
I totally read "Nespresso" as "Neosporin." Shows where my head's been at lately.
Also? In band camp? the bill came for sewing up my thumb: three grand. That's six hundred dollars per stitch. Done poorly.
Hi Again,
I posted a tribute (well not tribute more of a thank you ) to you on my blog.
Take Care
I know, I saw it, I LOVE it. It was totally a tribute!
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