I wanted this year to be special, and different. My husband and I compete with the holidays for our birthdays, Capricorns we are.
Armed with Pioneer Woman's Best Chocolate Sheet Cake. Ever. I determined to show sweet Christopher exactly how much he's adored.
Of course, that meant Colton, our chef-bound 8 year old had to stick his hand in the mix. No, not literally. He simply recalled Carrot Cake as one of Daddy's favorites, or was it the Duncan Hines box tempting him from the pantry.
Anyway, cream cheese frosting has to be made from scratch, so we whipped that baby up.
Cherry dessert is all Grandma's, my favorite tradition passed down through our family. And not just because it's incredible for breakfast, with whipped cream.
Presents were handmade, per usual, the meaningful kind.
Next year will be better though, I insist that it's true. Because every second I spend as my husband's loved wife, makes me need to say louder,
After reading your post, I went upstairs for a snack because you made me hungry. Everything looks amazing. My cakes are only done with Sara Lee.
you are my heroe, I can only imagine to cook up such deliciousness! have fun with the family!
Happy Cake Eating! Many thanks for the linkage. Will return the favor. Mmm...craving cake now...
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Oh my funky God, I can't believe it!!! Mindy, you're still my favorite (I promise).
Yippity dippity doo aye yay!!!
What a good wife you are!
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