Some of the greatest lessons at my homeschooled children's disposal are community driven. One might presume we're not joiners, anti-social elitists, or some other unfair view.
We depend on your offerings, established systems around us, combined with the freedom to choose. If it weren't for dumb schedules to segregate us, silly notions of readiness, you'd find homeschoolers intriguing, not a threat to established views.
Oh, who am I fooling, we're rebels with a cause (darn, I knew it!) Just tryin' to blend in, as if we somehow belonged, aw shucks, screw it. 4-H judges, thanks for showing us the bar, yet again.
We'll never fit in. Be less creative, they said. Don't draw your own graphics, download from the computer instead!
And participants, if you want that blue ribbon, instead of just red (we'll spare you all white)...speak up during judging, look us straight in the eye, those are signs of respect.
Homeschooler raises her hand, "But I'm an artist, I express myself through drawing, are you aware of that fact?"
Sweetie, 4-H Expo Presentations are supposed to be professional, tsk tsk, we expect more from you children than that.
Looks like an amazing job well done to be. The education system continues to disappoint.
I thought that 4-H of all organizations would value the Head with the ideas, the Heart with the genuine interest, the Hands for creating, and the Health brought to a community through artistic spirit.
Kudos to your girl for standing up for herself!
(P.S. I also found you through TCB - Great blog!)
I love the first pic, the kids are too cute!, and don't worry about not fitting in, I wish I had the courage to homeschool my children since right now I am having a hard time fiding a school that I would like my 5 year old to attend.. I am so disapointed in how thing are done in the school system.
Two of my kids have been homeschooled for most of their lives (by their mom, these are my husband's two). One is now in elementary school and the other is doing math and science at the junior high school but the rest at home. The thing I have noticed about them is the motivation for learning everywhere we go. They seek it out and it's second nature for them. I love watching my daughter just absorb and think about things as we are just out somewhere.
Yes, it's the natural love of learning that inspires me to keep going.
Good points, Neo, on the Head, Hands, Heart, Health philosophy. Maybe being "professional" is all in the head. I'll never sacrifice my other 3 H's! Thanks for the encouragement.
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