Here, I'm still riding the wave of Anne's giveaway, when Kim from Scrap to My Lu wanders by. "You won! You won the blog design," she announces.

"Yippity dippity doo aye yay!!!" I answer back, wouldn't you?

Not only that, but hundreds of Today's Creative Blog enthusiasts have mosey'd on over, to check out my dire need for an intervention. I hadn't previously noticed my suffering, had you?

Oh well, you know me and my refusal to take the opinions of others seriously. Especially with regards to homeschooling, family values, and now blog design, thank you.

But, if these ladies are willing, I'd probably budge my healthy boundaries over an inch more, or two. Just so long as Sundance doesn't mind me borrowing their wood grain, but I'll pass on the blue. (In addition to incredible prices, they've got freebies, too!)
So are you going to get a new design?
They do have nice pickings. I'm afraid to lose my freedom to change pictures at the top though, and I'm kind of attached to my color scheme.
We'll see!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I love your pictures and your blog. I'll be sure to stop by again
Anita (ovolina)
Yeah! for blog designs! not that you should redesign your blog... you must feel comfortable with it first, but it is FUN.
Take care!
Your blog looks fine to me but maybe they can just give you a mock up to give you an idea of their vision. You could always keep the picture at the top.
No need though, your blog is fine the way it is.
Thanks Maria, I appreciate your support. The girls at Smitten Blog Designs are going to work with my demanding nature, and try to give me the look I'm hoping for. How lucky am I?
If they weren't doing this for me, I'd be taking all their free templates, they are beautiful!
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