Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sneak Peak

Hi, hopefully I catch you in a rare not-hanging-out-with-friend moment. I was planning to post a few links on the Momvo blog tomorrow, and was wondering if this would fly, or if it's not appropriate.

"Rebecca Woolf explains T-shaped uteruses (while someone tries to kiss her in the comments), and the startling side-effects of IUD implantation. Who knew?!!"

I'd be happy to leave the kissing part out of it, I thought it was funny though. But mostly, your description of getting an IUD was the best (and only) description I've ever heard.


Of course! Link away!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Anonymous said...

I thought it sounded fine

Chris said...

LOL @ A comment over there "Girls with things stuffed up their uteruses are the coolest---everyone knows that"

No clue on the momvo thing. I still haven't managed to get over there! My reader is empty so I think that's where I shall head now. But in all honesty, I don't think that was crude if that's what you're asking.