Monday, February 8, 2010

Asha, um who?

It would be very sad if I forgot to pick my kids up from school, just hope everybody realizes this. And, if I never forgive Dana "Tea Party" Loesche...who probably has Google Alert on every possible misspelling of her last name, of which there are many...then I'm a better person for it.

Having conversations with all the fake moms on the planet takes time away from living, you know. And, we all know which I prefer...don't we? Very expensive hotels, very very expensive. Yes, Minneapolis is full of 'em. Stay there all the time...with my FAMILY!

Stay focused, it's me who's currently dizzy, none of the rest of you. Was I talking about Maria here, I cannot recall. I know I once talked about Maria non-stop, due to her commitment to crafting a functional website that's as advanced as blogspot could ever wish to be.

Plus, I was there when she went into labor (remember the pressure points?) Whole entire reason I was able to blog so soon after Cooper was born. Maria's swift recovery was my inspiration. And, her video commenting option.

1 comment:

Maria @ Conversations with Moms said...

Hey Jessica. You say that I was your inspiration but really you were mine. I remember your comments during those times. They always made me feel so much better.

I've been falling behind on commenting in the past few weeks, trying to juggle family and work. I'm slowly catching up. I have 16 more pages of comments to go. :)