Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fresh beginnings, or endings

C'mon clean slate, don't fail me now! Loving so many things about blogging, yet hating half-of-it with all my heart, leaves me no choice but to begin anew. Hopefully, in time, my life will morph to fit into my new blog, truly, I can see it now.

I wake up bright and early, all set for my day. Blog numero uno satisfies my day's beginning, numero dos is where family and cooking inspiration land, blog tres all about the joys of living in North Dakota (year round), and grownupartists (with a brighter background), blog four.

Er, uh cuatro. Never will I come back here to just be myself, completely naked. Ah yes, I think it's already working...I'm becoming that person, better than I was before.

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