Monday, June 15, 2009


I'm just choosing that title because Earl used it twice in a row, perhaps he feels unsure whither direction his life is heading. First, his concern for "what if cows lost their purpose", and now he's been abandoned by his dentist. Why-oh-why has the industry damaged him so?

I'd encourage him with feedback, but his measure of success is so unreasonably high, his need for peer approval entirely foreign to my pedestrian sensibilities. Once infected by glittery ideas of the supposedly all-powerful, well, it's the lack of cure that fuels the entire media treadmill. So in conclusion, good luck with that Earl.

The fact that he's raised my writing from pure rambling confession to mid-paragraph bait-and-switch, for me that was pivotal, still doesn't compute with Earl. His very presence online encouraged me to question Larry King's commitment to his "youth is IT" ignorance at the expense of "mature legacies are valuable".

The TwitterKing (title granted by sir Ashton), like the rest of them, a kept batch of princesses, and God bless every pampered one of 'em. Someone has to be in charge of hawking taco-flavored Doritos. And patting each other on the back for all that accomplishment, mmm hmm, so successful!!! And real.

I don't particularly envy the stage of life Earl's at, wondering sincerely if bargaining his power away, through the inconvenient act of being talented and profitable was ever worthwhile. His contributions were an asset to MY childhood, his golden coinage has that Earl's-an-individual style.

Trust my advice Earl, it's time to move on. I'll be here for you the entire time, I always have been, that's just MY style.

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