Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So, thank you

You know how you have that place in your heart, being made of muscle and all, that doesn't want to sit still and be in peace just because you tell it to? Sometimes the imbalance reflects itself in your voice, like for me, there's an emptiness on the right-side that announces itself as gravelly.

Really annoying, but what can you do? Well for first, don't trust your imagination, because it will lead you down the most tangled of paths, confuse and destroy at its whim (no resting place, that's why). So you keep on walking, in the pain of no resting place, but what can you do?

Watch as many music videos as you can, I always say. Works for about half-a-day of "this is what peace might feel like"...if it lasted. Peace, with imbalance, can't last a whole day if it tried to. Almost easier to believe in the evil and let the pain hurt.

On a wider scale, like the WIDEST...our insides reflect the world outside. Whether a magi is confessing he practices voodoo with sticks, and the Christian who knows better says, "um, no...just won't agree to think so." Takes practice, but worth it so.

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